100+ Love Letters For Him That Make Him Cry [Best Choice] (2024)

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by Nicole Graham | This post may contain affiliate links for products we love and suggest. The views expressed in the article are solely the author's opinions.

You will find here 100+ love letters for him that make him cry.

Finding ways to surprise and impress your partner from time to time is one of the best things you can do for a relationship. You can make them feel special with a meaningful gesture of love, such as writing love letters.

Writing a personal message is one of the greatest ways to let your partner know how much they mean to you. By writing a love letter to your partner, you communicate your appreciation of them as a person and their accomplishments and achievements.

Related: Why do I love my boyfriend so much

Even if you were never a fan of pen and paper, worry not. I have prepared a list of fully editable templates to help you write a personal note quickly. With these templates, you can craft the perfect love letter for your significant other that he won't forget any time soon.

Here is the 100+ list of best love letters for him that make him cry in a minute. Your guy will be left with overwhelming emotions after reading it.

100+ Love Letters For Him That Make Him Cry [Best Choice] (1)

Long Love Letters For Him That Make Him Cry

  1. My dearest, thank you for making me feel safe and loved. You accepted me with all my virtues and flaws. I hate that I'm probably making you cry right now, but I felt the need to tell you these things. Because of you, I discovered the beauties of this world. You've helped me finally realize that I'm not alone in this journey. I'm blessed to have you as my partner.
  2. When you are not with me, I feel like a part of me is missing. I hear your voice while I'm alone. It feels like the world has stopped spinning. So, I can't wait to have you back in my arms. To have the missing piece of the puzzle returned to me. I love you.
  3. I need you to make me happy even at the most challenging times. You are the only person in my life I can talk to honestly. I am glad I can open up to you and do so without the worry of your judgment. You are my sunshine.
  4. I like the sound of your voice when you say my name. It sends a wave of calmness through me. You make me feel like I'm the most important person in the world when you are by my side. You are my everything.
  5. While other women can only fantasize about you, I have been honored to have you in my life. I often wonder why you've picked me over many of them. Whatever the reason, I am happy you have. I love you more than words can say. You are my best friend, my greatest treasure, and my world.
  6. Your love brings out the best in me and inspires me to be a better person. You make me warm inside when I'm around you. I love you and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
  7. I have always been afraid of falling in love. I thought no one would accept me for who I am. But I've finally seen that a happy ending can exist and that love can happen over time. As long as you are in my life, everything will work out. You made me believe in love and people again.
    100+ Love Letters For Him That Make Him Cry [Best Choice] (2)
  8. Every time I open my eyes, I thank God for having you. Our relationship is like a precious gift from above. You make me joyful, kind, loving, and the happiest person on earth! I hope that we will stay together for the rest of our lives.
  9. Since I met you, my life has worked out in a way I never expected. You've filled the emptiness in my heart and made me whole again. You have given me wings and have made me fly to the heights of happiness. Because of you, I now have everything a woman needs. Loving such a person like you is an easy thing to do. Thank you for being there for me and making me happy. As long as we're together, we can rule the world.
  10. I want to be loved and spoiled by you only. When you are near me, I feel light and alive again. The sight of your face makes me the happiest person on earth. I love you so much, and I want you to know that. My love for you will last forever.
  11. I never stop smiling in your presence. Not only do you make me smile, but you have awoken the most profound emotions in me. Our relationship has taught me what true love is and what a devoted partner someone can be. You never cease to amaze and inspire me. I want to be with you until the end of time.
  12. If someone asked me to describe you, I'd say you were a handsome, intelligent, kind, and generous man. I can't imagine why anyone could not love you. Your heart is full of love, loyalty, and honesty. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I'm lucky that I found you. You are all I ever wanted and more.
  13. When we became friends, I never imagined we could be more than that. Falling in love with you happened so naturally that I took it the way things were supposed to be. Every moment I have with you brings out the best in me, so I enjoy them and make sure I never pass them up.
  14. Wherever you go, you carry my heart with you. I don't need it back. I just need you to take care of it. And I know if I were ever to be parted from you, I would be heartbroken for the rest of my life. There isn't a thing I wouldn't do for you. I'd move heaven and earth and cross the universe just to be with you.
    100+ Love Letters For Him That Make Him Cry [Best Choice] (3)
  15. You really are the man of my dreams, and I thank God for allowing me to meet you. The thought of you being gone and not being here to love me, hold me, and kiss me is devastating. You are a wonderful man, and I'm so lucky you chose me. I will always love you.
  16. Even before we became friends, I always found you very attractive. It wasn't until that hot summer day when our paths crossed that I finally felt something in my chest flutter. Having the opportunity to spend some time with you and then go on our first date was one of my greatest moments. I realized how amazing you were and fell in love even more. I am glad I don't have to hide my feelings anymore because I want the whole world to know how much I love you.
  17. When things go down in life, it is nice to have someone by your side. You're not only my boyfriend; you're also my best buddy, my safe haven, my prayer, my hero, and my everything. Words in English don't do you justice. Thank you for being the person I can always rely on whenever I need someone to listen and understand. I'm so lucky to have you as my other half.
  18. I'll never get tired of hearing you say you love me. It makes me feel so special. We depend on each other, which makes me love you even more. I can't wait to see you every morning and every night. I'm grateful to be able to love a man like you that is honest and faithful. I will love you until my last breath.
  19. You are the most amazing person I've ever met. Your love drives me to fight the hardships of life. I wake up happy, knowing that you're mine and mine only. Each day we spend together reminds me how truly blessed I am to have you in my life. You're the most difficult person to leave but the easiest person to reach. I love you, my sweetheart.

Related: How to flirt over text

Short Love Letters For Him That Make Him Cry

  1. Heaven is jealous because I pray for you more than I pray for it.
  2. You make my days and nights peaceful and bright. I will always cherish every moment that I'm with you.
  3. Nothing compares to you, my love and soulmate.
  4. You complete me. I'm happy to be yours.
  5. I dream of you at night, and I wish you were here with me. I dream of your hand reaching for mine, your beautiful smile, and soulful eyes.
  6. Blessed be the day we met and still a million more left to explore.
  7. You are everything I could ever want and more. I love and treasure you. All I have is you. You're all mine, baby.
  8. Never change, my darling, because you are amazing just the way you are.
  9. You're the reason my heart beats, the reason I breathe, the reason I wake up, and the reason I live.
    100+ Love Letters For Him That Make Him Cry [Best Choice] (4)
  10. I could lose everything, and I wouldn't mind, as long as I am with you.
  11. I love you with all my heart, with all my soul, and with all my mind.
  12. If I could choose where to die, I'd choose your loving arms.
  13. God made me for loving you, babe. I was made just for you.
  14. Love is more than just believing in someone; it's all about wanting the best for them. And that's what I want for you.
  15. The thought of you brings me peace and joy as we go along our love journey together. I hope we'll be together forever.
  16. I don't care what people think; I only care about what you think. That's how much you matter to me.
  17. Ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no water deep enough, ain't no distance long enough that could separate us.
  18. Love never seemed possible until I met you. You've captured my heart and filled it with joy.
  19. I'd fly to the moon and back for a single smile of yours. Seeing you happy makes my heart melt and gets me on my knees every time.
  20. I will take you to the end of the world and all that is beyond it. I'll be by your side forever, never leaving you. I love you.

Paragraphs For Him To Make Him Cry

  1. Not a day goes by without me thanking God for sending you into my life. Every moment spent with you is a moment of pure joy and happiness. These moments would never have been the same without you; my life would never be the same without you. I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I must have done something right to be rewarded with your love.
  2. Remember how often we talked about our life together? Here is something I want you to know: You stand for everything good about life and all that's best about me. Every time I look at you, I feel blessed that I have you in my life. I am determined to show you my undying love every single day of my life. I would be happy to get to the end of my life having you by my side.
  3. I don't need to know what love is because you have already shown it to me. You have gone to great lengths for me, and for that, I will never stop loving you. Come what may, I will always be there for you. I love you.
  4. If I were to write all the reasons why I loved you, I would have to write a book. Even then, I would not be confident that I had been able to explain why I love you as much as I do. You are my sunshine and my reason for living. If I had to choose between paradise and you, I would pick you every time.
  5. I have always dreamt of meeting a guy that will make my world go round, and my dream didn't come true. Instead, I found someone that makes my world complete. You have filled my world with love, joy, and laughter. Since I met you, I am no longer the same person. And without you, I would never have learned what true love and happiness are. I love you with all my heart.
    100+ Love Letters For Him That Make Him Cry [Best Choice] (5)
  6. Making you happy is something I want to keep doing till death do us part. I cannot stop thinking about you. I spend the first part of the day just imagining how your day would be. How much I like to cuddle next to you at night, and what jokes you would tell at dinner to make me laugh. You are the one that brightens up my day and brings a smile to my face.
  7. It would be impossible to leave you for someone else. There is no other person that could replace you. It was a blessing to meet you and watch a seed of love being planted inside my heart. And the seed was able to grow thanks to the strength of your love.
  8. You're my world. There's nothing I could imagine doing without you. It's you I look forward to seeing every morning, and I can hardly wait the day you'll be mine forever.
  9. You are the one that blows my mind. Your love is so out of this world that the heaven above is jealous of it. Since the day I first saw you, you have been the king of my heart. And I know you will take care of it until your last breath.
  10. The night that I saw you, I knew you were the one I wanted to share my life with. I want to be the woman of your life. I want to be a person you can rely upon in sickness and health. In good times and bad times. For better or worse.
  11. I want to be the shoulder you cry on and the hand to hold on to when the world's all falling apart. I want to love, laugh, and hold you to your dying breath. I believe there's no one else in this world like you.
  12. You are the only one who can make me smile every second I wake up. I want you to be my husband and the father of my kids. I have never felt this way about another person before. You are my light, my love, my best friend, my forever partner, my everything.
  13. When I met you, I was in a dark place. I was lost and didn't know what to do. You didn't judge me for my past but embraced our future instead. You've given me love deeper than the ocean and filled the unfillable void in my heart and soul. And how could I not fall in love with someone like you?
  14. You have affected me and the way I think. You have taught me to love, be humble, be patient, and have hope for the future. That's why I want to be with you on this roller coaster of life, with all its twists and turns.
  15. When we are together, our life's sun and moon, the wind and rain, the stars and the universe combined. When we are apart, I miss you like plants miss the rain, birds miss the sky, or fish miss water. You make my life complete.
    100+ Love Letters For Him That Make Him Cry [Best Choice] (6)
  16. I had completely given up on love until you entered my life. You made me learn to trust people again and feel alive again. I am glad to have you as my friend, partner, and lover. I love you.
  17. The smile on your face is so beautiful and contagious. The way you laugh and giggle sounds so sweet. Your eyes are so mesmerizing that I want to dive in and be lost in them forever. I love you, and I hope the future brings us many more good things in life.
  18. There is no cell in my body that is not in love with you. You are the air I breathe and the salt in my food. You are the warmth of a fire, the light of the sun, and the harbinger of sounds. The source of contemplation and the dance of the stars is also found in you. You are perfect. You complete me. I will always be yours if you do me the honors to call you mine.
  19. I cannot express my love for you enough with words, but I want you to know they come straight from my heart. I will cherish every time we are together. I am going to do everything in my power to make you happy. I am ready to face the hardships of this world with you at my side. And together, you and I will overcome anything and go as far as destiny allows us.
  20. What is love? The true meaning of the word cannot be known unless experienced. Love is that feeling of connection to another person. Love is thinking about someone 24/7. Love is wishing them the best even if your world is falling apart. Love is willing to go the extra mile for the one you love. Love is caring about another person without a single care for you. Love is having a burning desire to know everything a person can learn about somebody. Love is how I feel about you.

Cute Paragraphs Love Letters For Him That Make Him Cry

  1. When you put your arms around my waist, I feel like the safest person in the world. I move my lips closer to your neck. I tell you that I do it to kiss you, but I do it to make sure you're real. Never let me go.
  2. The warmth of your breath on my face sends a shiver down my spine. When I see you smile, it makes my heart flutter. I love you to the moon and back.
  3. I don't need a reason to stay with you. I already have it. I'm lost in these thoughts of love, and I don't regret saying yes to you.
  4. You are the star of my universe. And your brightness has shown me the way to happiness.
  5. Thank you for letting me be a little girl and a strong woman at the same time.
  6. I don't need much in life— just you. And you only.
  7. When I'm with you, it's like an internal sunrise. I feel like this miracle will never run out.
  8. The fact you'd never do anything to hurt me says a great deal about the kind of man you are.
  9. Do you know how it feels to be on top of the world? I do every time I wake up next to you.
    100+ Love Letters For Him That Make Him Cry [Best Choice] (7)
  10. You have never complained about how I tire you with all my nonsense. You have only seen the beauty in me. What else could I wish for?
  11. Your love is like a light that no darkness can exist in. And you scared all my demons away. I am so grateful to have you in my life.
  12. When I look into your eyes, I see how much I mean to you. No one has loved me that much. Thank you!
  13. Running my fingers through your hair always makes me realize there's nothing I wouldn't do for you. I'd give my life for you. You mean the world to me.
  14. I like the way you look at me. Whether we are alone or not, you only have eyes for me. I've never met anyone like you before. And I don't think I ever will.
  15. Thank you for putting up with all my mood swings. I'm not easy to deal with, but you didn't run away. You taught me how to be a better person.
  16. When you're gone, my body feels empty, but when you're near, I feel complete. All things seem so easy to me when you're around.
  17. I think I can never thank God enough for bringing you into my life. You're only here for a short time, but you changed it completely.
  18. I do not love your good looks but your beautiful soul. And your personality just lights up the whole room.
  19. Last night, I saw an angel. It had your face and smile.
  20. I wish I knew what heaven smelled like because then I'd know if you fell to earth from there.
  21. How do I show you how much I love you? I can't kiss you enough or hold you tight enough. Every time I close my eyes, I'm afraid you'll disappear. Then I lay my head on your chest and hear your heartbeat. I think to myself, "He's with me, here."
  22. There's no place like home, but only if you are in it.
    100+ Love Letters For Him That Make Him Cry [Best Choice] (8)
  23. I'll never forget the day you poured your heart out to me. You allowed me to show you what real love is. So I made a promise to myself that I'll never let you down. I intend to keep that promise forever.
  24. Do you know what I love the most about you? That you never fail to amaze me every day.
  25. You're always in my thoughts, heart, and soul. I'm so lucky to be able to hold you and love you.
  26. I care about you more than you'll ever know. I couldn't imagine love without you and wouldn't want to.
  27. I wandered the world searching for you, then finally found you. Your love is like a dream come true. The world is a better place with you in it.
  28. It's been a long time since we met, yet my heart misses a beat every time I lay my eyes on you. I keep falling in love with you every second we spend together.
  29. You make me smile every time I look at you. You're my strength, my happiness, and my future. You are my inspiration. I love you.
  30. If there were heaven on earth, it would be any place with you. I can't imagine anything more wonderful than spending the rest of eternity with you. Where would I be without you?

Birthday Messages For Boyfriend That Will Make Him Cry

  1. Happy birthday, honey! I hope you are having the time of your life and getting lots of thoughtful gifts. I also hope that this day is nothing short of perfect for you!
  2. It's your birthday today! I hope you revel in every part of your life and tackle your dreams, not letting anything get in the way. Enjoy your day, honey. C ya tonight!
  3. On this special day, I am thrilled to be part of your life because your presence in mine has made it special. We've had our ups and downs, but united, we can conquer anything in this world. Happy birthday, my love. I love you so much!
  4. My dearest, it is incredible how many times you have been there for me. I am so blessed to have you in my life. You cast a spell on me right at the beginning of our relationship, and I believed you might never love me. But, here we are, together, and nothing else matters. I wish you a happy birthday!
  5. I am grateful for all of life's lessons since I would not be here today without them. I am thankful to you for being my support and always making me happy. What my heart desires, you have given me. I love you with all of my heart. Happy birthday!
  6. A special person was born on this day. A person that is the sweetest, kindest, and most lovely person I have ever met. That person is you. Each day that passes, my love for you only grows stronger. I am so thankful to have you in my life. Many happy returns, honey.
    100+ Love Letters For Him That Make Him Cry [Best Choice] (9)
  7. Hey cutie, it's your birthday! I want to tell you that you mean a lot to me. You give me strength when I feel low. You are what brings a smile to my face. If you only knew how special you were, sadness would never enter your heart. I hope you have a fantastic birthday and many more to come!
  8. My baby, looking back at all that we've been through, I can say that you are what every woman needs in a man. I wish all your days were filled with love and joy like this one. I love you, babe, and happy birthday.
  9. This world would have been an ugly place if you hadn't been born. You are the most fantastic person in the world. No matter how old you get, you'll always be my baby. I wish you an amazing birthday filled with smiles and laughter.
  10. May this day be the beginning of a fruitful life full of love, laughter, and happiness. Here's to my special one. Thank you for making my life complete.

Heart Touching Love Letters For Him That Make Him Cry

  1. The first thing that crossed my mind when I woke up was you. I know it's a cliché, but I can't get you out of my head. Being with you is a dream come true, and I'd do anything to keep that dream from falling apart. Thank you for being such an incredible person. I love you, honey.
  2. Life without you is like missing half of what makes me whole. You've made me feel many things: happy, emotional, sentimental, ecstatic, nostalgic, and special. Being separated from you is tearing me apart. Every night I close my eyes, I can see your beautiful face. I can hardly wait for you to come back and hold me in your arms. I'm crazy about you, and I'm not afraid to show it to the world.
  3. I love you because you make my pulse race when I look into your eyes. My heart skips a beat when I hear you laugh. You've taught me how to be patient. You've helped me define what love is. I'll never forget how you were there to pick up the pieces of my shattered soul. I don't know where I'd be without you. I promise to love and cherish you forever.
  4. I would never have thought I'd be deeply in love with anyone like I am with you. When I feel you near, I'm all smiles and can't help but love you even more. The truth is, I thought that I didn't need anyone to make me complete. But then you showed up and proved me wrong. You gave me hope, encouragement, and faith like no one else before. My heart will always be yours.
  5. If I walked into a room full of men with my eyes closed, I'd still know which one to throw my arms around. I remember our first kiss, how magical it felt to be in your arms, and how your voice soothed my fears. You're the reason I strive to be the best person I can be. If I were offered the whole world, I would choose you. You are my world.
  6. I knew from the very first minute that we belonged together. I want to spend every moment of my life with you. I want to wake up with you and go to sleep with you. I want to grow old with you and watch the sunsets with you. I don't want ever to let you go.
    100+ Love Letters For Him That Make Him Cry [Best Choice] (10)
  7. No letter in the world could express how much I adore you. You are my heart and my soul. You are my strength and my very existence. You are the one who holds my world together. You are my sun, my water, my air. I've never been so happy in my entire life, and the only person I can blame for that is you. Thank you.
  8. I dream about the future where we do everything we have always wanted to do. It's a future where we live together and have kids together. The future where we spend time together and grow old together. It's a future where my whole universe is you. Without you, I have no future.
  9. When I look at the stars at night, they remind me of the fantastic moments of our lives. Having you in my life has been a blessing that can never be thrown away. Each day that goes by reminds me how lucky I am to have you by my side. You are the funniest, cutest, and most romantic person I know. I love you more than anything.
  10. You have given a whole new meaning to my life. It's the meaning of perfection and completeness. Without you, my life would be meaningless. Without you, life itself is not worth living. I love you with all my heart.

How To Make Guy Cry Over Text

The best way to make your guy cry over text is to let him know he is appreciated and loved. Believe it or not, personal love letters really work!

Related: Flirty good morning texts for him

Provide a vivid description of why he is important to you and how his presence means more than words can ever express. You can use a love quote or a heartfelt word to convey how much you love him. Or you could use a paraphrased version of a song you both like that expresses the depth of your love.

Whatever you choose, you can incorporate it into one of our templates, and success is guaranteed. You definitely will find something right up your alley. (To tell you a little secret, I used one of them myself to surprise my boyfriend for his birthday).

Related: 100 reasons I love you


How can I make my boyfriend feel special with words?

The best way to make him special is to write about why you like him. You can refer to his physical appearance (I like your smile) or personality (You are the most romantic person I have ever met).

How do I write an emotional letter to my boyfriend?

The best way to do it is to profess your love and write about your feelings toward him. What is it that makes you love him? Why is he so special to you?

How do you write a love letter that will make someone cry?

Explain why he is important to you. Express what types of things you like about him and the things you want to do with him. Thank him for being in your life over the years.

How can I make my boyfriend melt?

For an effective letter, your boyfriend has to feel special and desired. Show that you're putting their interests first. He should know that you're thinking about him, that you love him, and care about him. That is bound to make him melt.

What to write to make him cry?

If you are wondering how to write a cry-worthy letter to your guy, you can take a few paths. Write him a letter that is as short and sweet as possible. You can write him a love letter comparing your relationship to a journey. Or, you could write him a letter with a personal message tailored to his personality and interests.

What is the best love letter?

You could be writing a heartfelt letter from thousands of miles away or a card to wish him his birthday from across the room. When you make an effort to write something for him, a whole new level of intensity will kick into gear.

Related: How do I tell if he loves me


You've probably tried writing love letters to your boyfriend many times before, but none of them yielded the desired effect.

If you're serious about writing the best love letter possible to your partner, you can use one of these listed in the article. Not only will he be deeply affected by it, but your love letter will make him cry.

Good luck with your writing!

Nicole Graham

Nicole Graham is a relationship expert at Womenio.com. She is helping women grow into their best selves so they can be confident and bring more love, passion, and purpose to their lives. Nicole enjoys studying the psychology of love and is passionate about writing on them. She offers helpful tips and advice to help overcome any relationship issue, whether you’re single or already in a relationship.

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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.